Hot Chili Challenge 8 Mile and 5K Trail Runs
Sunday October 20, 2024

New Location for 2024!
Hillside Park
146 Lake Iliff Road
Andover, NJ 07848
Our Mission
Sussex County Women’s Forum (SCWF) is a 501C (3) non-profit organization dedicated to providing critical components to women’s healthcare. This includes 3D mammography, breast ultrasounds, breast MRI’s, and follow-up visits if needed. These services are covered for the women of Sussex, Morris, Warren and surrounding New Jersey counties.
As a Sussex County resident, I have found myself surrounded by women with breast cancer. I’ve stood by and watched the toll it takes on family and friends. This has made me seriously question how best I could help. It is my hope that the SCWF will continue to grow into an organization capable of assisting all women of Sussex County and surrounding communities whose lives are impacted by a cancer diagnosis. -Mare Galeos, Director and Founder of SCWF